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Courtesy of WWE

SMACKDOWN 11/24/23

-Jeffrey T. Fountain, Contributor 

The Smackdown go-home show for Survivor Series from the Allstate Arena opened with the team of Bianca, Shotzi, Charlotte and Becky. "The Man" has come back to Friday Night Smackdown! 


Each member took their turn on the mic and broke down their reasons to be a part of War Games against Damage Ctrl. 


Of course, no good face promo leading into a PLE goes on without the heel coming to insert their two cents into the matter. Damage Ctrl's "leader," Bayley makes her way out to ringside to bring doubt into the minds of Charlotte and Becky and them reuniting despite their fallout. Bayley is getting in her digs and sowing the seeds of doubt into the competition. After Bayley's rant, Charlotte brought up a good point with Bayley being out at ringside tonight alone, without the rest of Damage Ctrl. Why wasn't Damage Ctrl ringside with their "leader?” 


Backstage Segment 

Damage Ctrl are talking to themselves when Bayley goes in and asks, "Did you see what I did out there?" Bayley is saying, "Charlotte and Becky are going to implode.” Dakota Kai says they appreciate what she did for them before being interrupted by Bayley asking, "Who is going to do the match tonight against Charlotte and Becky?" Iyo Sky is speaking in Japanese with Dakota translating it. Dakota says Iyo thinks Bayley should do the match with Asuka.


Match 1 (Tag Team Championship Match) 

Judgement Day (Tag Team Champs) vs. The Street Profits 

This was a clash of two of the top tag teams in WWE. The Street Profits are coming off a huge win last week in a triple threat match to become the number one contenders for the Tag Team Gold, and are riding their momentum under the arm of Bobby Lashley. Judgement Day and The Street Profits gave one hell of a matchup with lots of false finishes and both teams hitting plenty of double team offense. The Street Profits went for the Revelation, but Damian Priest was able to get his feet down, so the move wasn't as effective. Rhea, seeing the Tag Team Gold in jeopardy, caused a distraction with the referee that gave Finn the opportunity to pull Montez off the top rope when he was going for the Frog Splash. This interference gave the match to Judgement Day and they remain your tag team champs, with momentum going into their War Games match up. 

Winner: Judgement Day 


Backstage Segment 

The team of Bianca, Becky, and Shotzi are in the locker room, discussing Shotzi scaring Damage Ctrl with her promo tonight. Charlotte comes in, saying she spoke to Nick Aldis, who spoke to Adam Pierce, who gave the "ok" for Becky to compete on Smackdown. Becky questions Charlotte about speaking to the GMs about her, and asks Charlotte why would she come to Smackdown prepared to fight and not have a plan? The tension between Charlotte and Becky is still at an all-time high.


The Grayson Waller Effect 

Grayson announces that his guest tonight is the returning Kevin Owens. When KO's music hits, out comes Austin Theory dressed in KO's ring attire. Once Austin is in the ring and seated, KO's music hits again and out comes the real KO, fresh off of his suspension. KO is wondering why they are so confused, since Grayson announced KO was the special guest tonight on the Grayson Waller Effect. KO took that as Grayson extending an olive branch to talk things out and maybe have a grilled cheese in catering. Grayson denies that was the intention and the plan was for Austin to dress like KO so they could make fun of KO. KO says, "Jokes on you, I've never looked better", while pointing at Austin Theory. KO is wondering where Austin got his shorts from, because he hasn't seen them in months. KO asked Austin, "Did you go through my bag, you little creep?" KO says he should punch them both in the face at the same time. Grayson says there's two of them and he owes KO one from his loss to LA Knight two weeks ago. Kevin asks if he’s the only one that sees what’s going on. If you say a person's name three times, they will appear. Austin says LA Knight’s name a third time and just like that...LA Knight’s music hits and “Let me talk to ya!” 


LA comes out and the crowd is electric. He says KO warned them but they didn't listen and they got caught… TWICE. Austin and Grayson decide they are going to punch KO and LA. However, while talking amongst themselves, KO and LA decide to punch them first. When Austin and Grayson fell out of the ring, LA and KO destroy the Grayson Waller Effect set to get ready for a tag team match. KO and LA Knight vs. A-Town Down Under is set. 


Match 2 

Grayson Waller/Austin Theory vs. Kevin Owens/LA Knight 

This match saw Grayson and Austin getting both of their heads smashed into the announce table by LA at the same time, which has become the theme for Austin and Grayson as of late. Grayson and Austin controlled this match until the very end, when KO recovered and cut Grayson off from a double team move with a stunner, followed by a perfectly sold BFT to Austin Theory for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Kevin Owens/LA Knight 


Backstage Segment 


Becky is standing alone when Bianca approaches. Bianca tells Becky that she is going to “keep it real” with her and says Charlotte was right. Becky is appalled that Bianca would say that, apparently taking Charlotte's side. Bianca is asking Becky to put all the bad blood behind for now and get on the same page for the sake of the team. Becky says, "Your asking for a lot. I'm fiery, I like to fight. I'm Irish. Becky tells Bianca that she's cool, and she's got this. 


Do you know what cool is? Walking out to the ring is a guy who most definitely knows what cool is: Carlito. He is addressing the crowd and says it's been thirteen years since he was a part of a Premium Live Event, and that's cool. Carlito is addressing Santos Escobar in Spanish, because he wants him to understand it. Carlito tells Santos, in so many words, "I'm going to beat you at Survivor Series for my friend, Rey Mysterio.” 

Santos Escobar comes out and interrupts Carlito. He asks Carlito where his LWO tattoo is, and why doesn’t he represent the LWO colors. Carlito reminds Santos that Rey is his family and this upsets Santos. Santos screams Rey was his family, and the LWO was family. Santos is blaming Carlito, the outsider, for the LWO being over, and it’s Carlito's fault that Rey's career is over. Carlito and Santos get into a brawl before officials can get ringside and separate the two superstars. WWE officials manage to get them separated, and the skirmish seems to be over. However, Santos jumps through the crowd and comes around for a sneak attack on Carlito, who looks to be seriously injured from a jumping knee to the back. 

Backstage Segment 


Carlito is being helped by officials into the medical center when Santos Escobar attacks him from behind and attempts to break Carlito’s arm before their showdown at Survivor Series. Dragon Lee prevents Santos Escobar from damaging Carlito's arm any further.


Match 3 

Pretty Deadly vs. Brawling Brutes 

No time to be sad about Carlito, it's time for Pretty Deadly! Yes Boy! It's Fight Night as the Brawling Brutes make their way to the ring and there is a lot of tension between the Brutes. Butch blind tags Ridge and, as they are delivering the 10 beats to Pretty Deadly, one member is able to escape and hang Butch over the top rope. Ridge releases him and grabs the other Pretty Deadly member to finish delivering the 10 Beats when he receives a drop kick, knocking him outside of the ring. Butch goes for a tag but Ridge isn't waiting for the tag. Instead, he stays on the floor and eventually walks off and leaves Butch to fend for himself. Butch tries to fight off Pretty Deadly, but in the end Pretty Deadly proved to be too much for Butch. 

Winner: Pretty Deadly...Yes Boy!! 

Backstage Segment 


Charlotte is in the locker room when Shotzi approaches her. Charlotte says, "Let me guess, you are mad at me, too?" Shotzi goes on to remind her that she was the one who was there for Shotzi at her lowest when Damage Ctrl shaved her head. Shotzi and Charlotte share an emotional moment and Shotzi reminds her that a few words could change things between her and Becky. 


Back from the break, Kayla Braxton is getting a word with Smackdown GM, Nick Aldis. Kayla is asking Nick for an update on Carlito. Nick tells her Carlito is hurt badly and can not compete tomorrow night. Dragon Lee shows up and asks Nick Aldis not to cancel Santos Escobar’s match but instead to allow him to replace Carlito and teach Santos Escobar a lesson. Nick accepts Dragon Lee's request and the match is made for Survivor Series. 


Judgement Day is backstage in their clubhouse, reminding us that Judgement Day runs Smackdown and remind us of all the reason they believe they will win at War Games. 


Charlotte is seen getting ready for her tag match when her partner for the night, Becky Lynch, shows up. They are both asking if the other is good, to which they both reply “I’m good.”


Main Event 

Becky Lynch/Charlotte Flair vs. Damage Ctrl (Bailey/Asuka) 

Damage Ctrl make their way out to the ring as a cohesive unit, whereas the team of Bianca, Charlotte and Shotzi made one entrance, while Becky makes her own. Becky and Charlotte appear to be operating on the same page and they are fired up. This match had solid back-and-forth between both teams, with each controlling parts of the match. As the match was drawing to a close, Becky hit a Manhandle Slam on Bayley, but Charlotte rolled in and hit Asuka with a spear into Becky who was attempting to pin Bayley for the win. Charlotte unintentionally broke the pin count and caused a distraction. Bayley took advantage and hit a quick roll-up pin on Becky. 

Winner: Damage Ctrl 



1. Corey Graves is back on commentary and things are right once again on Smackdown. 

2. Bayley is starting to see the writing on the wall? 

3. The Brawling Brutes need Sheamus to get them back on the same page. 

4. The tension between Charlotte and Becky is at an all-time high.


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